Thursday, July 29, 2010

Are you ready to fight?

Here is a link to the March 2007 National Alliance of Black Panthers website which refers to its members as "revolutionary soldiers".

Here is a 2006 cached version of the site.

The following was posted here

Reaching Out To Local Activist
author: Sister Shazza Nzingha e-mail:
The National Alliance of Black Panthers is reaching out to local activist to help establish a Panther Youth Brigade in their city. A revolutionary program for ALL youth ages 12 to 18.

Sister Shazza Nzingha, President of NABP with NC Panthers
DC Panther Sis. Ajoa with NC Panther Bro. Gary
The National Alliance of Black Panthers was formed as a result of a secret meeting on May 29th of this year. Former Black Panthers from across the nation came together to discuss re-uniting for serious community impact through revolutionary social change. From this meeting social change has erupted in Washington, DC; New Orleans, Louisiana; Fayettville, North Carolina; East Orange, New Jersey; Pritchard, Alabama and Augusta, Georgia.

The National Alliance of Black Panthers is looking for bold aggresive individual actists to join its forces and implement a Panther Youth Brigade in their community. The Panther Youth Brigade program will teach youth survival skills, revolutionary history, goal setting and foster better self-esteem. If you want to help save our youth and be a part of a revolutionary team join these efforts today!

The National Alliance of Black Panthers is open to all interested individuals who are willing to do the work. A National Conference will be held in February of 2005 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The conference will feature workshops on organzing, a closed business meeting for members only and will close with cultural entertainment. The Panther Youth Brigade will also conduct a parade.

For more information about the Panther Youth Brigade and the National Alliance of Black Panthers please email us at We are not affiliated with the New Black Panther Party for Self Defense and welcome all interested persons into our organization who are willing to do more than just talk but actually get into their communities and implement social change.
Thirty eight years ago on 12/04/2009 the united snakes murdered Fred Hampton & Mark Clark, this date also marks the 6 year anniversary of the launching of this site in solidarity of these martyrs.

Also this was posted.

National Alliance of Black Panther Statement of Intent
author: Sister Shazza Nzingha e-mail:

The National Alliance of Black Panther feels it necessary to issue a statement of it's intent in light of the recent postings persecuting it for not being a Black Nationalist organization.
It is a fact, a reality that oppression is not about black and white it is about the have's and have not's of this world. Across the United States and the entire globe people are being oppressed and yes it is true that people of color are a majority of those being oppressed. Oppression during this 21st century has taken on new levels as corporations have become more global and world power in the hands of those whom control nations. This magnitude of oppression and oppressors require the united efforts of all people in order to crush it. This is the realities of the 21st century that many revolutionaries do not want to face. Many would like to relive the glory of the 60s and 70s and establish themselves in the same manner as some of the old legendary revolutionary organizations. The National Alliance of Black Panthers chooses not to call itself a Black Nationalist organization or a Civil Rights organization but merely a People's Army. A People's Army because we need the assistance of all who are willing to fight. A People's Army because the oppression crosses racial lines just as the oppressor are of many races.

Self Determination should be for everyone especially Africans, Native Americans and all indigenous people and we are happy to see organizations who have decided to devote their energies to this. The National Alliance of Black Panthers chooses to focus on the immediate needs of our youth who are feeling more alienated from this fast changing society and the human rights of people in this country who are being locked into a modern form of slavery called the Prison Industrial Complex. Both issues are overwhelmingly Black issues but in a magnitude that is growing out of control with each passing day.In order to make impact on these issues, the National Alliance of Black Panthers chooses to focus on these two and expend it's energies into how it can produce social change. We need the help of all people to fight these monsters just as it is taking the combined efforts of the races to fight the sweatshops in third world countries. Just as it is taking the combined efforts of all races to gather and demonstrate against this government.

The National Alliance of Black Panthers is an organization that seeks to build a Peoples Army for the upliftment of youth and the destruction of the Prison Industrial Complex. All we ask is that people put aside their petty differences and work with us not against us. This is not about which revolutionary group is right or wrong or the word "Creator" it is about peoples lives being cut short and their freedom being infringed on by greed and corruption within our society. This is about doing the work and if you can't do the work don't try to create stumbling blocks for those who are willing to do it. The National Alliance of Black Panthers seeks to establish Panther Youth Brigades and National Alliance of Black Panthers chapters in every major city of the United States of America to meet its mission. To this end that is why we have put out a recruitment call in the Portland area to help establish our presence in that area. We are working hard and diligently because we see the coming disaster if we don't step up to the plate to address these two issues. This Prison Industrial Complex will not stop at just incarcerating blacks and hispanics because greed has an insatiable appetite.

Thank you Portland area for your support of our cause and for allowing us into your activist space. Lets work together.


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