Thursday, June 04, 2009

Alert! Sonia Sotomayor nomination may be tied to embryonic stem cell research

Her exhusband is Kevin Edward Noonan, PhD., who is heavily involved in CA and embryonic stem cell research.

In past Roman Catholic tradition, the Aristotelian view that life begins 40 days after conception was adopted by Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas and was maintained by the church for centuries. In 1869, however, a supplanting view that we cannot know with certainty when human life begins became established (Noonan, 1970). This view, which is currently held by the Catholic Church, requires that human life be protected at the earliest possible time, which is taken to be at conception. Protestant denominations hold diverse views: some conservative Protestants reject the use of embryos for research, but most accept ESC research. Moreover, not everyone who rejects embryonic stem cell research is either religious or conservative. Every federal commission (e.g., National Bioethics Advisory Commission, 1999) that has addressed research on human embryos and fetuses has, in light of the many differing perspectives, called for respect for these
entities as forms of human life.


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